

$PEKO holders can partake in the Peko Protocol stake program, similar to the ve-token model pioneered by Curve. They can stake their $PEKO tokens and receive $stPEKO tokens. As a result, $PEKO holders will receive boosted rewards for supplying and borrowing on Peko Protocol, and will also be able to partake in DAO governance through voting.

To Stake

  1. Navigate to the Staking page

  2. Enter the amount of $PEKO tokens to stake

  3. Select the number of months to stake; keep in mind your $PEKO tokens will be locked up during this period

  4. Review the amount of $stPEKO tokens to receive and your total $stPEKO after staking

  5. You can also review your boosted net APY after staking and a detailed breakdown

  6. Click stake and sign the transaction

To Unstake

  1. Navigate to the Staking page

  2. Click unstake and sign the transaction (note: the button is disabled before your unstake date)

Last updated